Sunday, December 8, 2013

50 Hookworm, Big Rash, Feeling Good


I am cautiously excited about my most recent hookworm dose as the past couple of days, gut wise, I have felt pretty good! I inoculated on Tuesday evening, felt the itch immediately and have a very intense rash (these are all good things.)

I have had less urgency going to the bathroom and my stomach has felt pretty good most mornings (which is rare.) I also seem to have more energy and my sense of smell for some reason is improved (not that it was bad before but now it is heightened)

As I said, I am cautiously excited because I want to keep my hopes in check, but feel like this may be the start of some more noticeable improvement

I was thinking the other day that while I haven't seen really obvious changes, there have been smaller less noticeable improvements that have sort of snuck up on me such as: 1) The fact that I haven't needed to take prednisone since early August (and was taking it most of the summer.) 2) I have slightly less urgency in the mornings, and 3) I am able to run regularly with few problems. While I am hoping to eventually feel a lot better than I feel now, I should take the time to notice and appreciate these smaller signs of improvement because they still count.

Thanks for reading!

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