Monday, June 24, 2013

Feeling Like a "Normal" Human Being

June 24:

After a rough couple of days I feel much, much better. I love the feeling of getting better after being really really sick, it makes me feel superhuman!

Or maybe that is just the steroids... Anyways, I'm hoping to not only recover from this virus that I've had, but also start noticing some of the benefits from the helminths soon! Mid July is when I should start to see some changes, but it could take longer. The process is long, but I'm trying to eat healthily, rest and take care of myself as much as possible to ensure that my worm friends settle in. That's it for now. Thanks for reading!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Off the tracks but I made it to the station eventually..

June 22:

So I guess I'm using train metaphors now....Anyways the last couple of days have been rough to say the least... I woke up in the middle of the night on Wednesday night with harrowing stomach pains. Typically when this happens I will spend some time on the toilet and things eventually resolve themselves. This was by far the worst stomach pain I have EVER experienced. This is what I felt and looked like...

There were intermittent waves of burning, nauseating, sharp pains that would not go away. This soon lead to projectile vomiting, and stuff coming out the other end too :/ From 3:00 a.m.-11:00 am the next day this continued, at which time I went to the emergency room at my doctor's recommendation. They helped hydrate me, checked to make my organs were all working (and thank goodness they were), gave me some heavy duty pain meds and sent me on my way...

The remaining question is, what was wrong- which is still not entirely clear. At first I thought it might be the worms, but to have such a strong reaction to side effects from the worms is extremely rare. Other variables in this equation were questionable chicken, a fluke Crohn's "flare", a stomach virus, or some combination of all of these things. Thankfully I am finally starting to feel like a normal human being, am eating solid meals, and no longer have the harrowing pains. My worms are also safe and sound. Hopefully I will continue feeling better.

Thanks for Reading!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

On the Right Track

June 18:

I had a long talk with my provider today, and although I having been having a lot of symptoms, he felt confident that it means the worms are working and just trying to attach, and find their home. I think I may be over-analyzing things and I really need to practice more patience and have faith in the process. It is a natural human reaction to feel that something is wrong when you don't feel good, so I'm allowing myself to be a human being but not get carried away with questioning :) My next dose of WW is July 1, and I will do 200, so hopefully something will start happening soon.

I felt pretty good today, even though I was up a good portion of the night in the bathroom... I was able to run 10 miles this morning, and it was a perfect day to do it, then I spent the rest of the day relaxing. I'm looking forward to some much needed time off this week from work and school, and am looking forward to spending it with friends!

Thanks for Reading!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Back on Prednisone but staying positive

Saturday June 8

So I have been having some symptoms/side effects, and can't really tell what's causing it. I had a couple really good days at the beginning of last week, but have been having a lot of pain, blood, etc. that has made me think it would be best to do another short course of prednisone. As much as I hate it, it seems to get things back under control.

I'm also going to make more of an effort to follow the SCD diet which will only help me to feel better and then the worms have more of a fighting chance. When people are actively in the middle of the flare, it's less likely for the worms to attach in the small intestines. It's important to get things under control so the worms are able to begin helping.

I'm on day 25 post HW, which is when people have reported some side effects. I'm also post one month  + a week since doing my WW which is ALSO when people report side effects. I am hoping that these side effects or symptoms clear up, but I'm trying to stay optimistic. My next WW will be July 1, so I'll update then. Thanks for reading!


Saturday, June 1, 2013


Saturday June 1:

No real news to report, except that I don't feel much worse or much better. Some people experience a "bump" in symptoms during this time where they enter a short period of remission. Sad to say I don't think I'm there, but I continue to be optimistic that something should start changing soon.

I took my second HW vial on Wednesday night- and it tasted "salty like tears" (the words of my provider) but went down easy. My stomach was not happy two days after which could have been from the WW or something else. I had really bad abdominal cramping in the middle of the night that woke me up but no diarrhea or anything.. It has since passed which is nice. It's now just time to wait.... and I'm trying to stay patient.

Thanks for reading,