Monday, June 24, 2013

Feeling Like a "Normal" Human Being

June 24:

After a rough couple of days I feel much, much better. I love the feeling of getting better after being really really sick, it makes me feel superhuman!

Or maybe that is just the steroids... Anyways, I'm hoping to not only recover from this virus that I've had, but also start noticing some of the benefits from the helminths soon! Mid July is when I should start to see some changes, but it could take longer. The process is long, but I'm trying to eat healthily, rest and take care of myself as much as possible to ensure that my worm friends settle in. That's it for now. Thanks for reading!



  1. I'm so glad you posted a link. It's comforting to read about other's lives with Crohns.

    I'm glad you're feeli better, too.
