Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ups and Downs and antibiotics...

July 18:

Aside from it being extremely HOT (at least for Vermont) I have had a rough couple of days but am on the mend. I am one of the "lucky" 30 something % of people with Crohn's who get something called fistulas which are essentially an infection caused by inflammation. They are rare in the disease, however they are very difficult to get rid of. My GI and I have a pretty good system where I notify him when I feel one coming on, and he will prescribe flagyl (which causes extreme nausea, tastes metallic, and makes me gag) and a 7 day course of this usually takes care of it temporarily. I typically have a fistula flare every 6-12 months depending on how my disease is overall. For the past couple of days I have been very sedentary because I have been in too much pain to move around, which has been kind of miserable.

Yesterday I felt the beginnings of healing and while healing can be slow, it is a GREAT feeling! I'm feeling more optimistic, and hopefully will continue to get better. One other thing about flagyl a drug I hate more than prednisone, is that it makes the helminths go dormant and in some cases may kill them. From what I have read though, killing helminths is actually pretty difficult to do, and a short course hopefully-crossing my fingers- won't do to much. I spoke with my provider and he said something similar. Also, my next dose of HW is scheduled to arrive shortly after my course of antibiotics ends, so I'm hoping this will wake the worms up!
And yes, I googled "sleeping worms" for this :)

Thanks for reading!

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